


Let’s start at the beginning.  Bed bugs are small, extremely flat, dark brown copperish colored, horizontal lines going across the back that you can see with a good quality magnifying glass, cannot fly egg shaped aerobic insects with a tiny head that prudes out like a turtle.  It can be somewhat subjective on how we see them.  

The basic anatomy of a bed bug is somewhat like a lot of insects, including a head, chest, abdomen, and legs.  Unlike the bugs I’m familiar with though, they show no interest in food or water.  They are horrible parasites that live on the blood of humans or animals.  Their life span can range from about 4 months to over a year under favorable conditions.  Bed bugs are strongly attracted to warmth, paper, and carbon dioxide. 
Just like a lot of bugs, bed bugs start their life as a tiny egg almost impossible to see with the naked eye when laid singly.  Bed bugs lay their eggs on or close to their host.  They can also lay eggs in clusters that look somewhat like large grains of cooked rice or a small piece of shortening. If you have not been baking and notice something that looks similar to pieces of shortening take notice.  

I see bed bug clusters as small clusters of shortening.  Remember, how you see them can be subjective.  Be on alert to anything unusual.  If it looks eggy it’s getting sprayed!  I always spray the eggs clustered or not with my 91% isopropyl rubbing alcohol versus the more common 70%, or the soap spray with five to fifteen drops of peppermint essential oil added to both.  The eggs usually become hard as a rock.    

Bed bugs have six life cycles that range from the newly hatched to the final adult stage.  When an adult female reaches maturity she may lay about one to five eggs per day and as many as 500 eggs within her lifespan.  When you are going through a bed bug infestation though, it seems like the numbers are much higher, but no.  Also bed bugs range in color from translucent when first hatched to a dark brown copperish color to almost black as adults. 

You can come in contact with bed bugs anywhere from private homes, apartments, shelters, hotels, dormitories, barracks, cruise ships, assisted living facilities, office buildings, schools, daycares, airplanes, trains, cars, cabs, buses, etc.  They are not known to transmit any diseases, and they are for the most part a year round pest unlike some other insects for example, case in point the mosquito.  

I disagree with the accepted myth that bed bugs are nocturnal creatures, and only feed at night.  From my 18 month first-hand experience, bed bugs are most active in groups at night, but they also have nothing against leaving the group for a quick snack in the daytime.  In other words the entire 24 hours in a day is up for grabs to receiving a bite from a bed bug.

Bed Bugs Can be Challenging to Eradicate
Even with being as small as they are, bed bugs are an incredible foe.  Can you imagine an infestation of bed bugs crawling all over your bare skin unencumbered by any type of clothing such as a bra, pajamas, or even socks, and exist the probability of being bitten 300 or more times per night?  I know what you are thinking.  This is unbelievable.  Well believe it, and this image can get worse. 

Another unpleasant image is that bed bugs don't only have an appetite for external skin, but will bite you internally as well.  They will get in your nose, ears, etc.  Now with the etc-you fill in the blank.  This is being experienced daily by a lot of people.  There is only so much external skin for huge numbers of bed bugs to feed on.  

When they bit internally, they have the added benefit of being able to feed in peace without being discovered.  They can also lay eggs in these orifices.  This is a tidbit piece of information that not many will share, with their spouse, siblings or even friends.  This is why in my opinion, you have to be careful judging people who have a difficult time coping. This is a lot to deal with and in a lot of cases alone. 

It’s not about clean either, because you’ve just had a shower.  If anything is nasty it is these bed bugs.  Just having to deal with all of the shedded skins is nasty in my opinion.  Their number one agenda is to breed.  They are fighting for the survival of their species.  By now you probably have seen hundreds of images of these scary looking bugs.  The truth is armed with a little knowledge they are not merely as scary as they appear. 

Having had the infestation for so long, I was able to pick them up with my bare hand and flush them down the toilet.  As time went on I realized that handling them with the possibility of being exposed to blood is not very sanitary.  There is an art however, in handling them so you won’t get blood on your hand.  I have come to realize that just because you find them in your home, you probably shouldn’t assume that this blood meal is your blood.  You are going out and people are coming in.  I always handled them like hazardous waste.  You just never know. 

Another tidbit of information is that I also took special care of my skin making sure it remained in tack. The skin is our first line of defense in helping to keep pathogens out.  If you squeeze them, especially after they have had a blood meal, they will pop, and their blood meal will come out on your hand. 

In my opinion you don’t want uncovered cuts and scrapes on your hands.  Better yet, use a disposable glove.  It’s just too high risk coming in contact with blood from any source in my opinion, especially in today’s world.  Bed bugs supposable don’t carry disease per se from my research.  However, it makes good sense to protect yourself from exposure to blood from anywhere.  

After some time you will recognize the reddish elongated body and realize that they have been feeding.  Ingested blood changes their size and coloring somewhat.  However, unfed bed bugs are extremely flat.  Also, I have observed that bed bugs move slower after a blood meal.  Digestion seems to acquire a lot of energy no matter where it’s taking place.  

On the other hand, it’s nearly impossible to catch them when they are just in circulation.  They are like the speed of light. This is why using a spray in my opinion is the way to go. They are just too flat and fast for your shoe to be an effective tool.

Check out the reference video to see pictures of bed bugs, and bed bug bites. You see bed bugs in pictures, probably on the internet, perhaps even in a magazine.  Bed bug pictures are found all over.  However the problem I see is that with these images you are viewing them very close up.  Believe me, just like any bug they can look completely different from a distance.  Take for example a roach or an ant amplified looks very different than one you spot crawling about.  


Having a raised welt or a cluster of welts on your skin does not necessarily indicate that you have bed bugs.  There are many bugs that could be responsible.  However, with all the bed bug hoopla these days I would definitely stay on alert.  The only 100% way to identify a bed bug infestation is to see one and have a entomologist, extension agent, or perhaps an exterminator who is experienced with bed bugs ID your specimen. 

Keep in mind too that some people don’t have reactions to the bites, which is unfortunate in my opinion.  You have a big advantage when you know you might have a problem.  However, even without experiencing a reaction you still can be on top of identifying a possible bed bug invasion.  So the first tidbit here is to not depend on experiencing a reaction to the bite.  

These bugs feed on a great deal of blood over time, especially when you are bitten 100 plus times a night.  I became anemic from all their bites.  I am vegan and just don’t have hemoglobin sitting around with nothing to do.  It’s important, from my perspective, to find out and be on alert to having a bed bug situation.

Even dogs that are trained to detect bed bugs have had false positives.  When I first begin to notice red flags that bed bugs could be present, I personally see no reason to delay my plan of attack on these bed bugs, especially after the 18 month nightmare I’ve experienced.  I think two or three red flags would be enough for me to get into gear.  A lot of data out there speaks to the contrary.  However, in my opinion by the time you actually see a bed bug, your infestation could be well established with a difficult battle ahead.

5 Bed Bug Red Flags That Put Me on Alert
There are signs, or red flags if you will, that I will use from now on that will at least put me on alert that a bed bug infestation could be brewing.  I have some not so run of the mill indicators that put me on alert that a bed bug infestation may be brewing.  In my opinion the first sign is the bed bug smell.  Get into the habit of smelling your domicile, or perhaps a hotel room, so you know when something smells off.    

Bed bugs have a very repulsive distinct musty like odor that comes from their sweat glands that you can detect if you are paying attention.  It’s a repulsive smell, but at the same time very subtle.  I think the best time to notice their smell is when you are coming from outdoors to indoors.  In retrospect I noticed their smell, but just didn't know what it was at first, but I was seeking answers. 

I worked in the food industry in quality control for a number of years, and having a good nose was imperative in producing a quality product.  Smell can be an awesome tool when utilized deliberately and with some foresight.  Having a good nose can be an invaluable tool in your battle with bed bugs too.  A case in point is when I was winning the battle the bed bug smell was faint to almost nonexistent.  And when I had a difficult battle going, the smell was strong, even without me seeing a single bed bug. 

My main point here is that it's critical to recognize bed bug red flags and get comfortable with taking action without actually having to see bed bugs, especially if you are using a more natural DIY approach.  Now if you are using a commercial insecticide, you might want to actually see bed bugs before you utilize this particular tool. 

This buggy smell remained in my domicile the entire length of my infestation.  I can tell when a re-infestation may be occurring by the smell.  I immediately utilize my tools of choice and the smell will go away without seeing even one bed bug.  Learning to identify the bed bug smell is an awesome tool that takes time to develop, but is worth the effort.  I’ve learned that if the smell is present the infestation is present, whether you see bed bugs or not.  

Another red flag is waking up with blood smears on your sheets. I don’t know of any other bug that would be in question here.  This is a strong indicator for me.  The smears occur as you turn doing the night on top of a well fed bed bug.  I would not use my best linen after waking up to find blood smears on my sheets and/or bed clothes.  I would also choose a color that would enable me to see the eggs too, as well as the bugs themselves.

Another indicator is that after you spray and kill a bed bug, they die on their abdomen with their backside raised up almost at a 90 degree angle.  Some bugs as you probably already have experienced die on their back with their legs up.  Not so with bed bugs from my experience.  Noting a bug dying with its backside up to me is a strong probability that you have killed a bed bug.  Details like this can help identify or weed out a bed bug problem.

Another indicator is seeing whitish dust-like particles on your clothing, carpet, etc. that from nowhere seems to be appearing.  These dust-like particles could be their eggs.  Also, you might notice fecal material on your baseboards, the mattress, etc. that weren’t there before.  The fecal dark brown spots are different from the smears.  It is digested blood being excreted as waste from the bed bug.  It looks like someone went crazy with a black marker and made clusters of blackish dots.

Sometimes It’s All About Behavior
Case in point during my heavy infestation days I would wake up and find dust-like particles on my dark pink covering.  Now suppose my covering was white and these dust looking particles remained unnoticed and fell to the floor into the carpet day-after-day.  These particles could only be dust, but on the other hand could be tiny bed bug eggs.

Now suppose for example, it was you who engaged in this type of behavior for weeks, and to your surprise, you now have a bed bug infestation that’s so heavy it prompted you to move to a new domicile.  After moving into your new living space and ignoring the high probability of a new infestation, you do nothing and hope for the best.  This could work, but in my opinion is extremely high risk.

On the other hand, you could be a little proactive and put down some food grade DE, encase your mattress and box spring, or elect to employ whatever tools you decide to implement.  However, ignoring the risk could give one mated female bed bug the opportunity to re-infest your new domicile, and then you are back to square one.  This is an example of how critical it is to learn how to identify bed bugs at various stages, and not just the eggs-but the actual bugs themselves.  Remember in any war, it’s absolutely critical to identify the enemy.  


This is the day you have been notified that the bugs you have are identified as beg bugs.  Bed bugs are a serious problem, I know.  Just try not to panic.  The best advice that I could give you at this time is trying hard to keep your head on straight so you will be better able to do battle with these bed bugs.

They are very intelligent little creatures.  I experienced their intelligence first hand.  I know being bugs, they are probably instinctual, but they do appear to think and learn which makes them a challenging foe.  To my knowledge, there is usually no one weapon that will conquer them.  They seem to be able to reassess a particular strategy you may employ.  You just have to keep coming at them.  It takes energy and strength. 

You have to develop a strategy to rid them from your home, whether it’s deciding to do it yourself, calling in an exterminator, or doing a combination.  If you want to get rid of these bed bugs, doing nothing cannot be an option.  They invited themselves into your home, invaded your space, and will not leave if you just ask.  You must declare war. 

You may be tempted to use bug bombs, or bait for ants or roaches, but these methods for the most part will not be effective against bed bugs.  Hopefully you caught them early.  During my initial days of heavy infestation I kept a night light or some type of light by my bedside.  I did receive more bites in complete darkness. This breakthrough e-book on bed bugs, in my opinion is an exciting resource.